Since the beginning of Andrea’s abstract palette knife painting phase, the images of Angels have been surfacing on her paint mixing sheets. She felt a presence and it was the Angels begging to be seen and heard. One by one they appeared, and how and when they appeared, had a sequence, a story and a purpose. They brought light and information about their activities in the invisible realm. They showed Andrea how they were interacting with her, while she was clinging to God for new direction and purpose in her own life. And here it is, the book she has been talking about for so long, with the excepts that helped her learn about the plans Our Heavenly Father has, to bring His children home, to reign with Him, like He always intended.
The story of humanity is tied to God’s promise of restoring His people back to the land He made for them, the Holy Land, Jerusalem. The story involves all people in all nations that have been and will be grafted in through their belief and faith in Jesus Christ, as the Son of God. Right now, a great spiritual revival is upon mankind, as much light is coming out of darkness. Nations are experiencing oppression around the world on a grand scale and the battle between good and evil is pronounced and the answer is here. The answer is in God’s Word, and in His love and in His plan of salvation through Christ Jesus.
The artist’s intention for this Book is that you, too, be prepared for the great transitions that are coming very soon. Everything points to the End Times as spoken of in the Bible. With the authority granted the believer and the power of God, nothing is impossible. Faith and perseverance are required, but first the Word must reach every person so that they too may make a solid choice as to which master they will serve. The artist believes this book will be helpful as it reaches you, just at the right time. NOW. The time is now. Soon it will be out as an E-Book too for those in different parts of the world or who would rather download it. I recommend buying the book as it it serves to look up important scripture, and is a tool to share with family and friends.
The artist hopes you too will join in on God’s plan to help more lives be saved. Call on Him, repent from the heart and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and let the Holy Spirit guide you. God is unfailing. Stay close to God through Jesus. Jesus is coming back soon.
The shopping cart is hard to find so here is a link to The PAINTING ANGELS Book. The Book is also available through all on-line bookstores, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, to name a few. You can reach Andrea through email at andreabeloff4@gmail.com if you have any questions. She also has really pretty Angel Christmas Cards available of the same images in the Book.
For those who get the book through Andrea, she will dedicate and sign it. For those buying it online, please leave a review so it will stay more prominent on the channels and inspire others to get one too. the Artist would greatly appreciate that. She is aware this Blog has a sales pitch to it but it’s understandable in this case. She would be honored to share, what she considers to be a very important book, with you. She trusts you will love it! It was made with so much love and care.
Andrea wishes God’s blessing on all of you here reading this during the rest of this year and through the Holidays!