Andrea describes how she came to the this particular combination of letters to create the Logo. In a brief summary, she would say,
“If I keep my heart centered on the DOOR, or the Dalet, that is Yeshua, and my ear on the things of the ALEPH, the Creator of all since the beginning/the strength of the leader, I can be assured that in my humility, Adonai will mold me like clay and He will uphold me.”
Since 2009, a shift in Andrea’s art occurs in light of her spiritual renewal process when she accepts Yeshua into her heart. It was so impactful that her art flourished into several new media, and continues to until this day. The process included The Paint Your Heart Out art she explored for spiritual and physical healing that really put a deep understanding into the transformation that occurs in our hearts when we receive the blessing of salvation through the great sacrifice of Messiah Yeshua. She offers it out into the world as a Healing Workshop. Next was The Love and Abundance Series, that with deeper understanding of what it meant to build a life on the rock of Yeshua, the cornerstone, a firm foundation would be planted to propel her life from. On this new understanding, new seeds sown into her would now grow stronger. This was the basis of a grouping of tree art that is also Biblically significant as ABBA FATHER is the Gardner, and Yeshua is the vine and the believers are the branches and together they are grafted in, Jew and Gentile, into one solid tree.
In 2012, after Andrea moved from Southern California to South Florida, she believed her new life would involve continuing to produce art for exhibit and for sale. She had faith that the success of her Tropical Art would follow. She ran, however, into much resistance, and surrendered her life completely to follow and be led by the Holy Spirit, Yeshua and the God Most High. What she didn’t know is that first, the FATHER would reveal His Ministry of Angels and she would get revelation of the presence of Angels with every prayer and artwork she painted. After 5 years of painting these along with other revelations of the Spiritual Kingdom, Andrea wrote her first book, The Painting Angel Collection, available now through Amazon in Hard Cover and E-book, as well as on other online bookstores..
In 2019, the Jewish roots of the faith and the Torah walk would be the next step into an even greater understanding and blessing of being led deeper into the mysteries of the Most High. Her first trip to Israel in 2020 was marked by an open vision and revelation of the Glory of God. The intimacy she shares with Adonai has led to supernatural favor, dreams, signs and wonders and hearing more clearly from the LORD, real audible exchanges and many times through unusual manifestations in nature. Andrea had been seeking the Father with great fervor, His heart, His mind, His plans for the world and so much of what He showed her was confirmed by many of the major prophets of today. Andrea, though born of Jewish father and Catholic mother, had no real knowledge of deeper faith other than she enjoyed Mass and entering the Chapel at the Catholic School she attended for elementary and High School years. Andrea does hold sacred an experience she had as a child when she saw a large sculpture of the crucified Christ in the dining room of a friend she used to play with when she was 7. Something was definitely planted in her spirit. The impression it left predisposed her to never refuse Messiah once the offer was given for the first time. She also grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil where she delighted going up to see the Christ, and in general she recalls a society that has the LORD always in their hearts and mind. That impacted her too. She was the youngest in her family and the first to receive Messiah many years later in her 40’s.
All this to say that while doing a deep dive into the Hebrew Alphabet, the Aleph-Bet, starting in the Fall of 2020, Andrea began to have more current revelation of the times while understanding the complex meaning in each letter. Each letter is a spiritual walk within itself, revealing from the get go, who is the Father, and head of the all; who is the Son, ben, that carries the Father in His house, Bet, or temple, and then reveals the Godhead through the Gimel, the one who lifts up the names of Yahweh and Yeshua…just to show you how fascinating it is to see it all unfold also through the Hebrew Alphabet, for this artist. After contemplating how to gather all that has been downloaded and create a more organized Ministry around the wealth of revelation through art and messaging, the Holy Spirt leads Andrea to Exodus 4:15, when she too, had a hiccup when the LORD asked her to do something and all she could experience was impenetrable walls of steel. That same insecurity Moses had, became also a trial she would experience. Along side of that was confirmation of her new calling from four other prophetic sources too.
DAS Prophetic Art Ministry is birthed from the scriptures Exodus 4:15 and Isaiah 64:8. First, the LORD took Andrea to Exodus 4:15 and for further insight, she dissected the numbers of the gematria to understand the fullness of the meaning. Exodus 4:15 reads the words of the LORD: You shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth—I will be with you and with him as you speak, and tell both of you what to do. The numbers of the scriptures translate as Dalet, the door, Yeshua who is the door, Aleph, the strength of the leader, and Samekh, 15, the One who upholds and raises us from bent posture. Isaiah 64:8 reads Yet still, Yahweh, You are our Father. We are like clay and You are our Potter. Each one of us is the creative, artistic work of your hands. DAS in Israel is also a brand of molding clay. Wow, right!?! Exactly, every step in our journey with the Spirit of the LORD is full of hidden treasures, signs and wonders, waiting to be uncovered.
So…Andrea welcomes you to the unfolding of DAS Prophetic ART Ministry who’s time for fulfillment is now. This brings us to the this current project Andrea is beginning to share of the artwork and meaning in each Hebrew letter. As she compiles her notes for her book, she also shares a significant part of her notes in the description of each YouTube segment and also in the DAS Blog on the website.
PLEASE, let this serve as AN INVITATION to come along on the journey through the HEBREW ALPHABET as she unveils the prophetic art and the layers of meaning to this divine language. The ALEPH and BET have been released on Youtube where you can subscribe, like, comment and set the notification bell for all new segments. And if the website is an easier place to find them, www.andreabeloff.com, look under DAS Blog.
For anybody interested in setting up the paintings of the Hebrew Alphabet in a room, a classroom setting, in a House of Prayer, Church or Congregation, please follow up with Andrea as she has started printing sets in metallic photo reproductions in two sizes (8″ x 8″) or (10′ x 10″). As a collection it is an investment but one that is not out of reach for the value it holds and because it was created to glorify GOD. These purchases also serve to continue to fund these projects. If you wish to make a donation, Andrea would be most grateful to partner with you. The material is rich and having more professional educational tools such as E-books, workbooks, and the translations for the nations, and display materials will be an extension of the Father’s Will in preparing for the Kingdom at hand. It is a Kingdom Project that is dear to the Father’s Heart.
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