Andrea became a palette knife painter in 2014. Once she started, she could not stop. It is a journey full of divine guidance. She is so excited to be painting so differently to what she had done in the past, her tropical paper collages. Mind you, she loves her collage phase and it was very well received. However, in this second phase of her life, she is granted a new identity and new art form that is magical. There is also a new purpose, one that became clear to the Artist early on. She knew it because of the revelations of the angels was an entirely new topic she did not intentionally paint on her own. They emerged
While taking care of her dad the last year of his life, the artist painted from home and she was unbelievably immersed in both tasks, care taking and painting. Painting was needed in order to do the other task, and bear the pain of seeing a family in a terminal situation. This practice was what kept the artist together as here she got lost in a world of wonders, a world filled in the spirit and connected to her Heavenly Father. That is what He wants from us, a full blown relationship. The more you seek Him, the more He reveals Himself and His plan. I was now going to participate with God.
The Journey Home Series surfaces at this time but the great big painting that summed it all up, was ETERNITY. It was the destination she has longed for in her heart. It is heaven on earth! It was the destination she wanted for her dad too. All the visual art from that very inspired time, had to have made an impact on dad. That painting definitely made an impact on Andrea. She felt she was given a glimpse of heaven and the sensations that would go along with it. “Every painting session to get to the completion of ETERNITY,” Andrea states, “was a time of blessing, spiritual rest and revival.”
The Artist hopes you can feel the magic too. Andrea is grateful to paint about this and spend her days dabbling in the heavens. She is honored to bring little snippets of it to you so you can view it, potentially decorate your walls and wander into the world of Spirit. Andrea wrote about ETERNITY, in her new book, The PAINTING ANGELS. The books arrives to Andrea on Friday, so starting then, she will be ready to offer them out signed and dedicated, if desired.
I also wrote a recent Blog about the book. I will share about it here as well.
I wish everyone a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!