AYIN Tovah (70) – The Good Eyes
AYIN – 16th letter of the Aleph-Bet.
Yahweh sees through the eyes of love and mercy.
If you see correctly, you will only see blessing, mercy, forgiveness, love and grace. Eyes are the gateway to our soul. The way you see a situation is directly connected to your spiritual insight.
AYIN has a value of 70, and represents Governmental and Spiritual Perfection or order.
Matthew 6:22 The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.
While working on this next Hebrew Letter, the beautiful AYIN, I got so much insight studying it. It’s about the eyes, about prophecy and insight, seeing in the spirit and joining it with the truth of the Word of God. By becoming more spiritually aware through how we see things, we are more prepared and aware of the choices we make and their consequences. Many studies on the AYIN focus on the duality, the good eye versus the bad eye but I chose to focus on the things of above, the high view. Putting on the mind of Messiah Yeshua and seeing by His lense.
The good eye is also an idiom for generosity. If the eye is generous than the light you radiate is bright. Stinginess bring darkness. Ayin Tovah looks toward the prior letter SAMEKH (the one who supports). YAHWEH sees through the eyes of mercy, radical mercy. We must see things His way.
If you see correctly, you will only see blessing, mercy, forgiveness, love and grace.
In the Garden, man was covered by “Ore”; God’s light, glory and truth. God dwelt with man in the cool of the day. Adam and Eve had everything they needed. They were completely provided for but it required one act of obedience, not to eat from the one tree, the tree that revealed the knowledge between good and evil. Upon sinning, men lost their Ore and their “Owr” or nakedness was revealed. They were now unprotected. The TORAH clearly explains what God requires from us for our protection. It is that we worship Him, be obedient and keep His ways. For that we must know how He views everything that regards us.
Furthermore, the eyes of GOD are on the land of Israel. He emphasizes in His word that entire boundaries of the land He promised Abraham were not be be given away. Right now, the land of Israel is under attack and other territories are still going to become annexed. Yahweh has warned that He is the protector of the land and that His wrath would be evident when land gets given to the wrong people or forcefully taken away. Many people think Israel is just a bloodline but the Father wants to remind us that grafting into the One new Man requires also fighting for the land, our inheritance.
Yeshua came to cover us with His blood shed sacrifice, that he that repents and receives Him, shall be saved. The Holy Spirit then indwells to guide and protect us in spirit and in truth and ultimately that we may have eternal life.
Isaiah 61:10 NIV [10] I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
The evil eye looks towards the next letter, the PEY, (the mouth) to feed its own greed. HaSatan sees through eyes of condemnation and judgement. He will continually lie, cheat and try to destroy you and yours. He will remind you of your past sins and try and cause you to be shameful and unworthy. When Yeshua forgives you of your sins, they are no more. They are washed clean. You are made new. Be discerning to see when he does that and rebuke him immediately as he has no business in your life unless you open a door.
I chose not to focus on this negative aspect in my painting but to help you see the difference and the better way.
Matthew 6:22-23 NIV [22] “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. [23] But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
We are called to be the light! The salt of the earth. A bright city on a mountain. Let us harness through this letter, the power of YAHWEH, and share the love of Yeshua, to see, to understand and to witness. To see through the loving eyes of YAHWEH, and let His Spirit, or RUACH, move you, is the blessing that leads to wisdom, and all other spiritual gifts.
Our good choices lead us closer to HaShem. He reminds Moses to speak to the people of Israel that they must keep the Shabbat, as a sign between Him and us for throughout the ages, that we may know that He has consecrated us. It is Holy to us. Six days we may work but the seventh day shall be a Shabbat of complete rest, Holy to HaShem. It is a covenant for all times. Yeshua did not come to abolish this Word spoken. And He did not change the day to Sunday. What HaShem establishes and tells us is for throughout the ages and it means it is a covenant for all time…into eternity.
Exodus 31:17 it shall be a sign for all time between Me and the people of Yisrael. For in six days HaShem made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He ceased from work and was refreshed.
Jeremiah 1:12 HaShem said to me: You have seen right, For I am watchful to bring My word to pass.
May we be renewed by His Word and be transformed by it so we may always see the goodness of Yahweh. ♥️