The act of surrendering the navigation controls of one’s life was one of the more complexes experiences I had to undergo to realign my path according to God’s will, His pure and perfect will. This process really requires a leap of faith into an unfamiliar territory. You will never know where you will end up until you try it. It is definitely worth the journey.
Much success came with the paper making process and collage work of 25 years and I wanted to let it go. I was drowning in an ocean of ideas that impeded my creative release and that prompted me to stop trying to figure it out myself or through the ways of the world. I was in Miami after all, where abstract, color and boldness dominated the art scene. The environment required me to find a way to be unique and stand out among such competition. To prepare myself for the rescue I so desperately sought, I asked that God’s will be done in all areas of my life, including where my art would be headed.
I was ready to let go of my precious collaging technique of 25 years, and SURRENDER, the among the last collages to be completed. I could sense this would be a letting go in so many ways. It was one of my life’s hardest lessons but I wanted God to take the helm. I was submerged in a feeling of helplessness, unaware that God already had me on his life-line and was reeling me in close to Him. Clearly, I needed the Lord’s intervention and He agreed: I was ready!
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
Matthew 16:25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, But whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
To purchase my book where I share all about this journey, email me at andreabeloff4@gmail.com. The book and e-book can be found on Amazon. The book is called THE PAINTING ANGEL COLLECTION. Prepare to be surprised!