This Angel was painted on November 7, 2016
This Word is for today but that Angel painted on that precise date, speaks the same message.
The Angel On High finds itself in the Courts of Heaven. That’s the kind of angel it is…one that has access and knowledge to the decisions being made in the High places. Since we are truly spiritual beings, our natural world reflects decisions occurring in the Courts Of Heaven, just like THE FATHER’S PRAYER says, His Kingdom come, His Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
The Holy Spirit had been nudging me for a few days with this painting at my place, urging me to hang it, and use it to pray forth the things the Father has shown me. I was reminded of a recent dream that I believe will make for much rejoicing in our Nation. In the dream, I needed to prepare the festivities at a restaurant for the return of the duly elected President, Mr. Donald J. Trump. The section of the restaurant was dimmed and unused. Black sticker art downgraded the windows facing the street. The date was not revealed but the fact that the restaurant was dimmed and unused was a sign that business was not booming and in a sort of depressed state.I began to take down the ugly sticker imagery and the owner of the restaurant walked in and said hello to me as she knew me. She had worked with me in the past. I told her what my ideas were and she quickly agreed and we decided to set up smaller, round cocktail tables with no chairs as we envisioned the event being packed and standing room only. This combination of prophetic messaging tells me that the decision has been made in the heavenly Courts and that it would manifest soon enough and that we should prepare to celebrate, perhaps cake and popcorn!
Revelation 24:5 says, “I am making everything new.” Let us not lose hope and let us begin to get excited that the LORD is about to answer our prayers and bring much needed justice to this power grab. The lies and stolen evil agenda has just gone on long enough and the current leaders have made it clear that they are rapidly destroying our Nation along with many alliances we had abroad.
I ask that you pray with me and come into agreement:
Dear Father ABBA, we give You Praise and Honor. Lifted up is Your Name, the Name Above all Names. In the precious Name of Yeshua, we Thank You Father for always revealing first to Your prophets what You are about to do. Thank You for all the signs and wonders in which You have manifested to show us that You are near and paying full attention. Thank You for confirming it several times and that many of us could put the pieces together and keep the faith and hold the line. You have shaken practically everyone and everything allowing mercy and grace to come before justice. You have even warned the wicked to repent and given time for them to do so and some have and many have not. You know the whole truth Father. You know all who have repented. You know who are with You and who are against You. We wait on You, Almighty G-D, El Shaddai. Yours is the next move. That is how the modern day prophets feel.
We keep praying, we keep standing, we see things crumbling and others resetting themselves but overall, much rebuilding must take place. The systems are corrupt. New pockets of good leadership have sprung up and the News starts to share the truth, but much more needs to take place. We thank You for our anointed President Trump that You have raised for such a time as this. We pray that he knows the will of G-D. We realize You wanted us to get a full grasp of the enemy that defiled many through their evil immoral behavior and made slaves out of mankind. We see the full plan of the enemy more clearly and how we can partner with You to put an end to so much that has been abominable to You. We humble ourselves in shame for not recognizing so much of this sooner and coming to the rescue faster. Forgive us Father. Restore us as a Nation and what was stolen from each of us individually. Bring back our lost children so we may teach them of You and Your ways. Our Constitution reflects Your values LORD and we pray an adherence to all the work done by our Forefathers.
We realize You want to restore us and reconcile us back to the Garden where You want to spend time with us in the cool of the day. We need You in everything and ask that You continue to lead us into Your better future and divine destiny. We faithfully climb the mountains to the higher places You are calling us, that we too may overcome by the blood of Yeshua and His resurrection power. Thank You for Your justice. thank You for Your ruling and thank You for Your protection as we stand boldly for You and with You. May Your light shine forth through us like the radiant Angel on High. WE glorify Yeshua for His redeeming sacrifice that we may be blessed. All the Glory be to You, Father, in Yeshua’s Precious Name. Amen.
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Metallic Prints, Giclees, Cards and Calendars with this Image are available upon request.
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Andrea Beloff
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