PSALM 91 – Kennedy Word to Honor

PSALM 91 Video Link

PSALM  91 and KENNEDY Word to Honor

THE VIDEO COMPILATION – Click the link above to watch the video.

RealEyes Productions brings you the Scriptures of Psalm 91 from the New Living Translation recited by Andrea, alongside some key prophetic artworks that fit the Scriptures visually.  The image of John F Kennedy at the end leads to a Word from the LORD on January 31, 2023 described below.  It wasn’t my intention to add that, but I felt the Holy Spirit on it as this Word has not gotten out in its fullness and it should not go by unnoticed. Few Prophets that I follow get dreams and words about the Kennedys. And I do, so I am going to be better about organizing the material because the revelations have been OTHER WORLDLY!


It is always a time to pray Psalm 91, but particularly now. The LORD has been asking me to create artwork around this Psalm and this is a compilation I have gathered to bring the Words of the Scriptures to life. Our Nation is being rescued. Actually it has been happening for some time now. Yes, there is also a backlash from the enemy and I can’t stress this enough, but much prayer is needed and why I am thrilled to have made this video to share. There was/is a plan in place. It was blessed by the Mighty Hand of God, coupled with prophetic insight and declarations spoken years ago by Prophet Kim Clement and others. Many know it as Q – The Plan to Save the World.  That is the link. It’s a very powerful video. 

In Psalm 91, the LORD shows us how to dwell in Him, how He will protect us from an imminent move of His, as a major act of justice seems to be about to play out. What also is playing out simultaneously is the glory of God descending upon the world. It has always been God’s plan to bring in a great harvest. The craziness in the world has got to be evident now to all peoples and has led many to cry out for Jesus, Our LORD and Savior. As a Messianic Hebrew, I like to say Yeshua, and incorporate Hebrew words that I learn along the way.

The LORD has been warning of shakings, floodings, earthquakes and all sorts of signs and wonders and He takes on His enemy, Satan, that in so many ways has overstepped his boundaries in all mountains of influence and the cup of iniquity has way overflowed. We must all know this by now. The Digital Soldiers have been working diligently bringing us the real news and so have many amazing prophetic voices. New platforms have been created to disseminate uncensored information that the Mockingbird Media is constantly scrubbing, censoring, omitting and worse yet, creating a total false narrative for a very long time, misleading the people.


The Ruach was so clever on this Psalm inspiring me to add JFK where I did. He was not assassinated in Dallas like everyone thinks. He knew there was a plot to kill him and he put in a clone and made this 20 plus year plan to take down the Deep State. How about that! Incredible! A man on a mission. A mission from God. As stated in Psalm 91:15-16, God would deliver him, honor him and satisfy him with long life. And of course show him His salvation. I love how that came together and as an opportunity to share this.

The Plan began with President John F Kennedy and according to what the LORD audibly told me upon waking on January 31, 2023, is that “All has been possible thanks to the Kennedys.”  That was the WORD. I took pen to paper, wrote it down and began talking to the LORD and putting the pieces more orderly together. President Trump was invited to be part of the plan, but ultimately the plan was to deliver the children out of this horrible sex trafficking/sacrificing shadow satanic global government that ensnared every country. Some people think it’s just Socialism. Its SLAVERY and in this Year of Jubilee, all captives will be set free!

Glory to God.


I remember well the day I got this Word. Its always a memorable day when the LORD speaks audibly to me because it is always so profound, timely and amazing. It was the first day of frost here in my neck of the Texas Hill Country and I didn’t see any sign of wet frost when I went to walk my dog. I put her on the leash, bundled up and took my first step down an 11 step outdoor staircase, bumping one step at a time on my behind.  I couldn’t stop the descent. I had no phone on me. I quickly got onto my knees and cried out to God that if there was any broken bone, that He please heal and restore me completely so I may be able to care for myself. Praise the LORD, I was bruised but not seriously hurt. I just want to repeat that to the frost was not obvious at all. The icicles only showed up the next day. That was the morning I was shown this Word of the LORD.  Loud and clear upon waking, “ALL THIS HAS BEEN POSSIBLE BY THE KENNEDYS. I honestly have not heard much prophesy on the Kennedys. Nothing significant like that anyway.

Obviously the enemy wanted nothing more but to destroy me that day so I could be silenced. “Not now and not ever, satan.” That afternoon, still bewildered, I went on record and got the word out on a Dream Labs Live Segment that can probably still be found on Youtube, with John Redenbo.  

I was blessed to not have broken any bones but I did have a giant bruise on my behind. By the grace of God, I healed quickly with an amethyst heat bed. Anyway, too much detail as usual but these are my Testimonies. God is so good and so faithful to get me through the trials and to see that His Words and plans for me come forth. Every trial we overcome, only grows our faith and makes us stronger. 


Enjoy Psalm 91 to the sound of my voice and the works of my hands. 

May it be a blessing to you.

All Glory to God.
