VAV – Yeshua who connects heaven to earth

VAV – The Nail that Connects

Yeshua is the nail or the One who connects heaven and earth and redeems us back to the Father.

6 – The sixth letter of the Aleph-Bet. The number of Man who was created on the sixth day

The VAV painting was completed after a supernatural revelation, during an unusually windy day, while walking my dog. This grassy area that we enjoy in our surroundings has a special appeal to me and it’s lengthy blades were calling my attention and reassuring me the presence of the LORD. It was moving like a song, it was mesmerizing.  I immediately came into agreement with His divine flow of the spirit amidst the blades of grass and my heart filled with joy.


If we take the journey through the letters, we open the door of our hearts to receive Yeshua, at DALET, and we reach greater revelations at the HEY. The VAV then asks us to submit and be humble that the crown or tip of the letter, the Spirit,  may touch the heavens through the YUD,  the Hand of Yahweh. This part also looks like a man broken and submitted but with that antennae or crown waiting on the LORD. Alternatively, the leg of the VAV calls us down to be carnally minded and in the flesh, where the devil tries to keep us, and where we miss the things from above, from where we came.  However, if we relate the VAV to Yeshua, we see how that configuration of the parts of the letter are the peg or nail that connect heaven and earth, and us back to the Father, for no one comes to the father except through Yeshua. John


This painting’s last touch was the addition of the tall grass, after I experienced a supernatural wave in the grass where I walking my dog on a very windy day. I later heard there had been a tornado in Ocala, just a few hours away. I knew the wind was odd but in it’s midst, it called to me and reassured me of the manifest Presence of God. This Motion App recreates the encounter in a very cool way, and hoping that the peaceful tune draws you in.  I was reassured on this day by this experience. I share it because the deep love of the Father needs to be known. We all can have encounters like these and never feel abandoned in the storms. He is with us and He is for us.


The Spiritual path sets us free to experience life beyond what the natural eyes see and that is granted by the sacrifice of Yeshua who restores humanity back to the Father where eventually we will return one day to the Garden, to our glorified bodies, and eternal life. It’s also looking like it’s not too far off.  Humility and repentance leads us to want intimacy with our Creator and being reborn in the spirit by accepting Yeshua as LORD and Messiah, is the greatest gift on earth. This new creation is able to experience and see the Kingdom of Heaven, even on earth. Like little children, untainted by sin, they still go in and out of the spiritual world with great ease, and so it is when we are reborn. It is this childlike faith that we must cultivate for supernatural experiences. The unsaved, or the ones who have not been reborn cannot experience this. This is what is called being spiritually dead and no one wishes that of another.

Like Yeshua carried His cross, we too must carry our cross and endure until He comes back for us. The time is drawing near and it is His wish that none should perish. And If you cultivate a close relationship with Him as He desires, He will show more and more the deep mysteries of the Father and of the Heavenly Realm. It is time to prepare for the God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

There is a dual nature that must be seen here. The nail that connects God and man, spirit and flesh, by being birthed by water and spirit.

John 3:5-8 NIV

[5] Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. [6] Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. [7] You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ [8] The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”


James 4:7 NIV

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, (or the excesses of the flesh) and he will flee from you.


In looking at God’s Name, YHVH (Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey) we observe the right hand of power that reveals the nail or the connector, that brings revelation. Yeshua’s Name is written all over it because the VAV is the connector, and Yeshua is the nail that connects heaven and earth. When you study  the Torah, you will start to see that Yeshua is concealed this way throughout the Old Testament scriptures in preparation for His physical coming. Knowing the layers of the Hebrew letters makes the Word of God come alive, inasmuch as Yeshua, the Messiah, has physically come and become our salvation. Yeshua is the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the end, and the crowned VAV connects the revelation of HEY to the Spirit of the Word of God, the ZAYIN, the 7th letter. Yeshua is the center of our life and in Him all things were made. His heart is involved with His people and He wants us to know who He is.

Colossians 1:16 NIV

For in Him all things are created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.

As we establish that the VAV builds things, we also reference the VAV with the Torah, as a fence, a protection and why Yahweh says over and over to follow His Word, and His precepts, for our protection, as a manual to live in this fallen world. If we look dead center at the Hebrew Scriptures of the Torah, we find a VAV, and actually a larger VAV, so we don’t miss it. That is seen in Leviticus 11:42. That should not surprise us.  Also the sixth word at the first sentence in Genesis is a VAV and plays the exact role of its meaning, connecting heaven and earth. The numerical perfection in the scriptures and in the whole plan of God is uncanny and we can keep digging and always find more.


The numerical value of the VAV is 6.
  • Man was created on the 6th day, after all the cattle and beasts of its kind. (Genesis 1:22-31)
  • Man works six days out of the week and rests on the seventh day, Sabbath. (Exodus 20:9).
  • Six millennia are appointed for the duration of man’s history or 6,000 years. After that the Messiah will return and a seventh millennia will be experienced with Yeshua, as our King, as He spoke so much of His Kingdom to come when He was here on earth. It is also expressed in the Lord’s Prayer, at the beginning.
  • Yeshua died on the cross on the Friday which is the sixth day of the week.
  • Yeshua hung on the cross for six hours.

I learned a very important part about the sacrifice of Yeshua and why he was hung on a cross or a tree. He hung on a tree because it was from the forbidden tree that Adam and Eve took the forbidden fruit. His hands were pierced because they took the fruit with their hands. His feet were pierced because of the fulfillment of the first Messianic prophecy (Genesis 3:15) that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent and that the serpent would crush the feet of the woman. So here Yeshua atones for Adam. He also was pierced on His side because Eve is who led Adam to sin and where Eve came from the side of Adam’s body, so that was the atonement for the woman. Furthermore, Yeshua wore a crown of thorns on His head because of the physical manifestation of the curse on creation was the presence of thorns and thistle on the land and why He wore it as a crown on His head to atone for the land, all this to restore the blessing onto us. This took place on Friday, the sixth day of the week according to how the Bible counts the days.

In conclusion, the number 6 is of extreme significance as that is the day man was created as well as the day he fell and was led out of the garden but also the day man was restored back to the Father. I think we are all going to look at the number 6 with a whole lot more reverence and question very poignantly why the adversary would use that number to represent himself, when it testifies of the great reversal of the curse he brought on us.

Folks, this study of the VAV has so many layers to ponder on. Yeshua paid the ultimate price so we could be blessed. Let us love on Our Redeemer, Our Blessed Hope, our Savior and Messiah and forever bring glory to His Name. Yeshua HaMashiach, Our Savior King.


A shorter version of his lesson can be seen on my YouTube Channel: Andrea Beloff

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