THE ANGEL OF RADICAL LOVE AND TRANSFORMATION resurfaces in early December 2023. It was one of the very first Angels that I painted back in 2015 and had revelation from the LORD about. It was an angel present at the time of salvation. The ones that rejoice when another person enters the Kingdom of heaven and receives forgiveness of sins, redemption and eternal life through Yeshua.
This is a transforming mechanism that exists when the heart of a person truly receives Yeshua as their LORD and Messiah. The person starts reevaluating almost everything they believed in throughout their years in the world. Revisiting all the lies they fell for and all the false idols they followed. The forgiveness and redemption offered by Yeshua humbles, breaks and recreates a person into such a new creation and that is assisted by this Angel.
In December, as I was looking at it again, I felt the urge to add the gold foil and it went on like a flow of gold, like an oil of gladness and an anointing. It was truly complete now and the Angel offered blessings innumerable from a time of open heavens like never before. These are the times we are in, where the love of Messiah holds back on no one. Everyone is worthy in the eyes of Yeshua. He died for all the sinners and came for all the lost. His mercies endure forever and chances for salvation are given repeatedly that none shall perish.
Receive the free gift by grace, and not because there is anything you could have done to earn it. Our creator loves us first and that love is so powerful in our lives, and gives us all the worthiness we will ever need in life. Don’t hesitate. Ask Yeshua to forgive you of all your sins, wash you clean, enter in and redeem you back to the Father, back to the beginning, back to the garden, where he dwelt among us in the cool of day. The time is now. Receive Him. Pray this prayer out loud.
Dear God,
I come before You. Receive me as I am.
I realize I am a sinner and my heart aches to carry this burden any further.
I need a Savior.
I need You now and forever.
I have broken Your law, I am lost, and I deserve death.
I invite You to come into my life right now.
Would You please forgive me of my sins?
Would You please, wash me clean and make me a new person,
a new creation in the Name of Your Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ?
I surrender my mind, will and emotions and from this day forward,
I commit my life to You, for better or for worse.
If you understand what you have just said,
you understand that you are a child of God now.
You have crossed over from death to life.
He will remember your sins no more.
How do you feel?
Let us thank God for Your Salvation and receive Jesus’ sacrifice
as the blessing that it is.
The PAINTING ANGEL COLLECTION is a picture book and writings about almost all the Angels I was shown. The Ministry of God’s angels.